Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Visit to Kabarore

For many volunteers, including us, weekends are a time to catch up with the jobs but “What the Heck!” the jobs will still be there on Monday so we go travelling. So, a few weeks ago, we met up with Sarah and David, former experienced volunteers from the Gambia, with David doing a three month Education Management placement with Sarah as accompanying partner.

A Kabarore Feast
They live in Kabarore, North West of here near the Ugandan border and two hours away on two buses past the lake again. It was great to see how others were living, experience their village, swap ideas on cooking on a two ring stove as well as sharing “a drop” and a goat brochette in the local bar in the evening.

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Hi, hope your enjoy reading about our adventures in Rwanda. We'd love to hear from you. Stephen and Mary