Sunday, March 27, 2011

One workshop in the bag!

Delivering the first workshop
Just a quick one. Mary and I, ably assisted by Camilla, completed our first workshop yesterday for the Headteachers of the Kigabiro (where we live) and the Muhazi sectors (next one along to the north). Around 20 attended our interactive and participative workshop in true VSO style. The evaluations are good so we must be on the right lines. This will be the first of many for the sectors, another for 22 newly appointed Headteachers in April and several for around 70 newly qualified teachers in May. We do them together and we think we make a great team.

All about Leadership


  1. The workshop was great! I learned absolutely loads. You are both very skilled and should be very proud of making your first one such a success. Well done x

  2. Hi Stephen and Mary - your blog is great and it's been so interesting reading bits and pieces of it :) I lived in Kigali for a year and have been spending the last few months fundraising back at home in the States. I'll be moving out to Rwamgana the end of May (volunteering at two schools there near town, Center for Champions and Rwamagana Lutheran School) so I hope to see you around! It's always nice knowing about other ex-pats in the area :)

    I've been trying to do some research and asking around about good woodworkers or someone in particular (in rwamagana) that is skilled and trustworthy in making furniture (i.e. bed frame, table & chairs, etc) so if you have any referrals please pass on their info!

    Thanks so much and blessings in your work,
    Melissa (


Hi, hope your enjoy reading about our adventures in Rwanda. We'd love to hear from you. Stephen and Mary